Constipation in Little Ones.

It is common for babies digestive function to fluctuate depending on their age, whether they are breastfed or formula fed, when teething or introducing solids. But regular red faces from straining, bloated bellies or hard, dry stools can indicate they might need a little help to get things moving.

As always, if this is a recurrent issue causing significant discomfort for your little one it is important to seek individualised advice from a qualified professional.

Below are some ways to aid your baby’s digestion at home.

Adding chia or flaxseeds to purees or baby bircher to make a gel with water at 1:3 (liquid) ratio. Allow to soak up then add to food.

Fibre - including fruit and vegetables in their diet every day. Steamed vegetables are great finger foods due to the high water content.

Pears and prunes try stewed pears added to bircher or made into a puree with soaked prunes

Water for babies on solids with small sips before and after meals for hydration.

Probiotics to diversify and boost the gut flora such as Biogaia probiotic drops or practitioner grade products such as Metagenics. These are especially important after antibiotics or illness.

Fermented foods or the brine alone from the jar added into meals or on top of finger foods as a source of good bacteria. The bitterness also helps to stimulate the digestive system to get things moving.

Reduce dairy as it contains proteins which can be particularly hard for little ones’ digestive systems to breakdown. When introducing dairy foods, start with cultured forms such as ghee/butter and full fat yoghurt as these are best tolerated digestively and lowest in lactose.

Cow’s milk protein allergy is also strongly associated with constipation so, if there is no relief, seek further guidance.